Lainici Monastery is one of the most important historical monuments within the radius of Bumbești. Its name is given by the name of the pass in which it is located.
The monastery was built between 1812-1818, during the reign of Gheorghe Caragea. Tudor Vladimirescu hid in the Lainici Monastery in 1817, dressed in monk’s clothes, to escape the pursuit of the Turks, against whom he had fought in the Russo-Turkish war of 1806-1812.
The new church in Lainici has a unique architectural project in our country.
In the painting of the church above, the most important moments in the history of the Christian church will be marked, with the most representative Saints from all over the world and from all times.”
After 1947, the construction of the Bumbeşti-Livezeni railway and the modernization of the National Road began again, which affected the monastery.
In 1961, the Monastery was abolished as a place of worship, remaining with the title of “guest house”. Until 1970, the church doors were locked, not allowing services to be held except on some Sundays and religious holidays.
The new church, dedicated to the Healing Spring, was built after 1990, architecturally the church is a Greek cross. The porch has columns carved in Vistea stone. The pronaos is separated from the naos by 4 marble-clad columns. The nave has 2 pews and 2 iconostases, the one on the right for the icon of the day and the one on the left for the icon of the patron saint of the church.
Currently, the Lainici Monastery is the most visited objective in Defileul Jiului National Park, annually attracting over 10,000 thousand pilgrims and passers-by. Of these, only a few dozen remain to enjoy the peace and wilderness of the area.