Visitor Center of Defileul Jiului National Park

   In 2014, the Administration of Defileul Jiului National Park put into use the Visitor Center in Bumbești Jiu with the aim of providing information to visitors and the general public, both related to tourism and the biodiversity of the managed natural protected areas and the history of the places.

   Defileul Jiului National Park Visitor Center is an affordable means to increase the attractiveness of the tourist destination and the Park’s ability to communicate its natural and cultural values ​​to visitors in an interesting way.

   Here tourists/visitors will be familiar with the national park area through:
– 3D models of the Defileul Jiului National Park on which the most important elements of natural, cultural and historical heritage are marked.

– A presentation corner of various craft elements, donated by the owners, some of them over 50 years old.

– A picturesque interior with a porch, respecting the architectural elements of the “mansions” (seasonal dwellings) in this area.

– The interweaving of the four seasons in the landscapes of Defileul Jiului National Park that increase the visitor’s curiosity to discover this legendary space. Seasonally themed photo exhibits bring a rainbow of color to the Visitor Center.

   As part of the activities in the Visitor Center, we are concerned with the implementation of partnerships with various educational units to ensure the foundations and knowledge necessary to acquire an eco-protective behavior, we carry out creative workshops on various topics and initiate / provide support for the conduct of debates / communication sessions regarding the participatory management of the protected natural area.

We are waiting for you to cross our threshold and we want you to enjoy the majesty of nature and the hospitality of the local community!