Defileul Jiului National Park Administration is open to the support offered by volunteers to carry out the programs and activities scheduled, according to the annual work plan.
We want volunteers to be dedicated or willing to gain experience in activities such as:
- identification, inventory and mapping of species / habitats in protected natural areas;
- monitoring the state of conservation of identified species and habitats;
- carrying out patrols alongside rangers to implement conservation and protection measures, to verify compliance with notices issued by the administration, etc.;
- participation with the administration staff for the realization of guided tours, for the organization and conduct of camps and contests, for the maintenance / realization of thematic routes, objects of the visiting infrastructure, etc.
- creating dedicated campaigns/messages to mark the theme of activities supported in the field of biodiversity and education and awareness of the general public;
- carrying out professional translations to disseminate the result of various activities or publish topics / articles of interest in scientific activity.
For the year 2024, the park administration wants to collaborate with volunteers whose number will not exceed 10 people.
All the exposed domains are of interest, but the priority ones are those that concern the addressability to the general public.
“Volunteers do not always have the time; they just have the heart.”– Elizabeth Andrew
Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group giving free time and labor to serve the community.
Volunteering is the public interest activity carried out on one’s own initiative by any natural person, for the benefit of others, without receiving a material consideration.