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Natural and legal persons who intend to carry out activities and/or implement activities/plans/projects/programmes, with possible impact on the environment, within the protected natural area are obliged to request the approval/agreement of the administrator of the protected area, according to the legal provisions in force and / or the provisions of the Management Plan and this regulation.
The consent/consent request form is provided below in the downloads section.
For the natural person owners who carry out current activities, necessary for daily living in their own households, the approval/agreement of Defileul Jiului National Park Administration is not necessary, unless the legislation provides otherwise.
Carrying out activities and/or implementing plans/programs/projects without the approval/agreement of the administration of the protected area constitutes a contravention, being sanctioned according to the legislation in force.
For issuing the opinion/agreement of the administrator of the protected area within the framework of the regulatory procedures carried out by the competent authority for environmental protection, for activities, plans, programs, projects that intend to take place or that have as their location the physical territory of the protected natural area or parts of it, natural or legal persons must submit to the administration of the protected natural area a documentation in accordance with the legal regulations in the field.
For the analysis of the documentation in order to issue the opinion, an analysis fee is charged at values established by the administration of the protected natural area and approved by the environmental authority.
No fees are charged for issuing the approval/agreement for the development/implementation of activities/plans/programs/projects that do not generate income and that do not have an impact on the environment, carried out by members of local communities – natural persons.
The opinion issued by the administration of the protected natural area is valid for the entire period of validity of the regulatory act issued by the competent environmental authority. The administration of the protected natural area can establish a period of validity of the notices / agreements only in the case of activities that are not subject to environmental regulatory procedures.
During the development of approved activities/plans/projects, Defileul Jiului National Park Administration can verify compliance with the conditions imposed in the issued approvals/agreements.
In the case of non-conformities with the conditions of the notice, Defileul Jiului National Park Administration requests the beneficiary of the regulatory act to remedy the reported issues and informs the environmental authorities/local authorities issuing the regulatory acts, regarding the findings.
For activities/projects that are not subject to environmental regulations or that are not regulated by other legal provisions, in order to obtain the agreement/opinion of the administration of the protected natural area, the following will be submitted:
- a written request according to the existing model (see public information link – Info-Notices – model without APM);
- proof of ownership or consent of the owner, as the case may be;
- description of the proposed activity/project;
- one or more points in Stereo 70 coordinates and a map of the project location, as appropriate;
- any other relevant documents for the project/activity or document issued by an institution/authority according to legal provisions;
- copy of the owner’s identity card;
- any legally recognized act in the case of powers of attorney.