The rates charged by Defileul Jiului National Park Administration are practically legal instruments available to any administrator in order to diversify activities and support them.

Through this means, the administration of the protected natural area created and placed in the field panels with various themes and messages, informative and presentation panels.

At the same time, we have constantly managed to modernize the work tools, in the sense in which we have purchased monitoring cameras, data processing equipment and consumables used in educational activities.

We also periodically improved the visiting infrastructure.

We want you to be aware that this means is very practical and beneficial for the administration of the protected natural area and for the purpose of developing the range of promotional materials (making promotional materials – badges, keyrings, leaflets, clothing, etc.).

Visitor tickets can be purchased at the Defileul Jiului National Park Visitor Center, in the field through the rangers or online at:

The validity of purchased tickets is 7 days from the date of their purchase.

Tariffs established by the administration – annex Ministry of the Environment (RO)

No fees are charged for issuing the approval/agreement for the development/implementation of activities/plans/programs/projects that do not generate income and that do not have an impact on the environment, carried out by members of local communities – natural persons.

Also, for the categories of persons specified in the Order of the Minister of Environment and Forests no. 3836 of 08.11.2012, regarding the approval of the Methodology for approving the rates established by the administrators/custodians of protected natural areas for visiting protected natural areas, for analyzing documentation and issuing permits according to the law, for photographing and filming for commercial purposes or others highlighted in this regulation or within the tariff system approved and in force on the date of the request, no tariff will be charged.

Payment of the established tariff, to Defileul Jiului National Park Administration, is a mandatory condition for the analysis of the documentation in order to issue the opinion/agreement. Failure to pay it leads to the non-issuance of the notice.

For details on invoicing, please contact us at no. by phone 0353 402 354 or by email

The approval fee can be paid to the account IBAN RO23RZBR0000060011783054 Raiffeisen Bank, Branch Tg-Jiu, Gorj or at the cashier of Defileul Jiului National Park Administration in Zorilor str., no. 6, Bumbești-Jiu, Gorj.