Defileul Jiului National Park Administration is the specially constituted structure for the administration of the protected natural areas Defileul Jiului National Park, the homonymous Natura 2000 site (ROSCI0063 Defileul Jiului), Stancile Rafaila and Sfinxul Lainicilor.

   The park administration has the following entities with different roles:

   1. Scientific Board has the role of scientific authority on the territory of the protected natural area, guides and supervises the administration structure to ensure the administration of the protected natural area.

   This body is made up of natural persons with experience in the protection and conservation of biodiversity / protected natural areas and who have experience in fields relevant to the conservation objectives established for a protected natural area or have carried out scientific research activities in the field of biodiversity / protected natural areas.

   At the same time, according to the legislation in the field of natural protected areas, the Scientific Board issues binding decisions approving activities / plans / projects with possible environmental impact.

   The Scientific Board of DJNP is proposed by the administration and approved by Order of the Minister of Environment, Water and Forests no. 681/2021 regarding the approval of the composition of the Scientific Board of the Defileul Jiului National Park.

   The organization and operation regulations of this board are approved by Order of the Minister of Environment, Water and Forests no. 1075 / 2015.


   2. Advisory Board of Administration is made up of representatives of institutions, economic organizations, non-governmental organizations, authorities and local communities, who own surfaces, goods or have interests in the perimeter or in the vicinity of the protected natural area and who are involved and interested in the application of protective measures, in the conservation and sustainable development of the area. This body has a consultative role in the management of the protected natural area.

   DJNP Advisory Board of Administration is proposed by the park administration and was approved by Order of the Minister of Environment and Forests no. 297 / 2010 regarding the approval of the composition of the Advisory Board of Administration of the Defileul Jiului National Park and the approval of its Organization and Operation Regulations.