Jiu River is a tributary of the first order of the Danube and joins with it 692 km upstream from the river’s discharge into the Black Sea. The hydrological network is formed by the approximately 30 km sector of the Jiul between the confluence of the East Jiul with the West Jiul and the confluence with the Sadu Creek, towards which all the related streams converge, namely: Leurzoaia, Runcu, Alunu, Bratcu, Repede, Tarniţa, Popii, Pate Rău, Cerbănaşu Mare, Cerbănaşu Mic, Dumitra, Murga Mare, Murga Mică, Ploştina Murgilor, Strâmbuţa and Liliacului on the western slope and Trântor, Ursului, Chitu, Cerbului, Alb, Ciobănaşului and the lower sector of Polatişta on the eastern slope. Other smaller tributaries and secondary tributaries of the mentioned streams are added to them. In total, the hydrological network greatly exceeds the length of 300 km. Most large streams have permanent flow, but with notable seasonal fluctuations. It is formed by the union of two main tributaries: the Western Jiul that springs from the Retezat Mountains and the Eastern Jiul that springs from the southern slope of the Șureanu Mountains, at altitudes of around 1500m.
The Jiului gorge is considered by connoisseurs as the most spectacular and impressive gorge in the country, with steep slopes, narrow and wild valleys, at the same time opening a migration corridor for animals. Beyond the magnificence of the relief, the Jiului Gorge offers us opportunities to spend our free time, be it a short visit or for several days, being highly sought after for outdoor activities, namely rafting, bird watching and recreational fishing. Rafting can be practiced individually or through specialized operators.
On the banks of the Jiu River, there is also the campsite provided by the park administration, a picturesque and easy-to-visit location. The place is equipped with specific furniture, it has a fireplace.