In the village of Curtişoara in the town of Bumbeşti-Jiu, there is the most beautiful tower in Gorj County, which, according to materials, solidity and architecture, belongs to the 17th century or even the end of the 15th century.
The museum houses houses and houses representative of this region. The buildings are old, over 100 years old, with original architecture, specific to this folklore area. From 1968, it was established as a Folk Art Section, and in the following years, peasant houses and nobleman’s mansions were brought here, which naturally present us with the image of the life of the Gorje village from the last 2-3 centuries. The inauguration of this museum took place on August 17, 1975.
The village museum opened here with exposed houses existing on the territory of Gorj county is not inferior to the village museum in Bucharest, only it is smaller.
Thus it can be seen that the area of the national park has been inhabited since ancient times, the historical events leaving their mark on the lifestyle of the local population, on the architecture and traditions.