- Bumbești Jiu town hall
- County public service SALVAMONT-SALVASPEO GORJ
- Târgu Jiu National Roads Section
- Gorj County Museum “Alexandru Ștefulescu” Târgu Jiu
- “Tudor Vladimirescu” Gorj County Gendarmerie Inspectorate
- “Decebal” Hunedoara County Gendarmerie Inspectorate
- The research, development and promotion center “Constantin Brâncusi” Târgu jiu
- “Mihai Viteazul” High School Bumbești Jiu
- Secondary School no. 1 Bumbești Jiu
- Kindergarten with extended program no. 1 Târgu Jiu
- “Alexandru Ștefulescu” Secondary School Târgu Jiu
- Secondary school “St. Nicholas” Târgu Jiu
- “Mihai Eminescu” Extended Program Kindergarten Tg-Jiu
- Technical College “General Gheorghe Magheru” Tg-Jiu
- “Sfânta Varvara” High School, Aninoasa
- “HERMES” Petroșani Economic College
- Technological High School “Mihai Viteazu” Vulcan
- Traditional Scouts Association ACT-RO, Unit “General Dragalina” Târgu Jiu
- Romanian Ranger Association